The Key to Safety is in Your Hands.
Give your clients and their families added confidence in your facility when you install Safewash20 in your public restrooms, and any food service areas. Enhance your image in the community. Show your clients you care.
Safewash20 reassures that all your staff members maintain clean hands for client safety. In your facility, wherever there’s a sink…there’s a Safewash20. This protects your staff, members, clients and visitors.
Safewash20 is not just a sign posted on the wall, it’s a device that helps people wash their hands for a full, safe 20 seconds. This has been the health and safety guidelines required by all International Health and Safety Organizations worldwide for decades.
Restroom Hand Wash Signs = a recommendation or suggestion
Safewash20 Device = a “CALL to ACTION”
Safewash20 holds everyone accountable.
WAVE. WASH. 20 Second Digital Countdown to Clean.
Keep your facility…Clean. Safe. Open. Together, we can protect our future.
SAFEWASH20…We need to live differently. Wash 20 seconds. Stay safe.